Title: Vern Krueger or Freddy Schillinger…you decide. Artist: nindevotee Characters: Vern Schillinger A/N: Wow, I found out there is someone I hate more than Vern…it's Freddy.
Title: Immortal B/K...or Kinky Vampire Love ;)... Artist: nindevotee Characters: Beecher & Keller A/N: It seems to be Chris-vampire, Toby-victim day today in oz_graffiti-land, so here's my contribution.
Title: Have A Heart Artist: nindevotee Characters: Ryan O'Reily & Poet, but mainly Ryan A/N: Does this count as turning an Oz character(s) into a monster? I know it's not much of a stretch to portray Ryan O'Reily as a cold-blooded killer, but I think this elevates him to psycho-serial-killer status that even Keller would be impressed with. What
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